Thursday, March 7, 2013

Eat it! The Soup Edition

Made some soup with our tomato crop this season. We made 5 quarts total which is plenty for just the two of us. I typically over-do it with items like this and then it sits around for YEARS because we are just too tired of eating it.  But the quantity seems perfect this time around. A very simple soup but great tasting and even better with a cheesy melty sandi. Yumm.  I found the recipe here.  Next time I'll go a little lighter on the celery though.

Instead of busting out the water bath canner, we just froze it.  Canning can add a layer of fussiness and work to a project so I was happy to avoid it. Most of the things that I can would do well in the freezer so I'll have to keep it in mind.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Last Days

Disease and a couple of frosty days here and there means the tomatoes are seeing heir last days in the garden.  Can't complain about the crop this season, got a good amount and used it wisely.  We had 1 regular tomato and 2 cherry tomatoes which was nearly perfect for our consumption.  The only concern is...what happens if your only plant kicks the bucket early?  You have no back up and you're paying $3.99 a pound for organic vine ripened 'maters.   Gardening is gambling!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


This beautiful lettuce has decided to come up all on it's own.  We haven't actually planted any seeds for lettuce in over a  year!