Thursday, February 14, 2013

Eat Your Sprouts!

Brussels sprouts.  Well, I've learned a few things, that's for sure. First of all, I always thought they were "brussel sprouts", but a quick search shows that "brussels sprouts" is the correct way to spell them.  Alrighty then.  Secondly, I learned that I'll be purchasing these guys in the store whenever I get a hankering for them.
In a limited space garden like we have, they just don't make sense.  The foliage is massive and shades out everything around it, not a good use of out square footage.  They do rank extremely high in the entertainment  department though.  Fast growing foliage, bright green colors and quite a few growing sprouts makes this plant a hit for kids or those that love to watch things grow.  But the amount of  food per plant and the gigantic footprint make these fellas lousy bed mates for a small time gardener like me.  I didn't find any real advantage in flavor either as compared to their store bought cousins., another reason to skip them over next time around.  I'd much rather grow more broccoli instead, which is way better out of the garden then in the store.  Broccoli winning a vegetable battle?  You heard it here first folks!

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