Researched raised bed construction. Check. Shopped for raised bed supplies. Check. Had Hubby build raised beds. Check. Filled them with soil. Check. Drew out plans for plant placement. Check. Made list for exactly what plants to buy. Check. Installed drip irrigation. Whoops!
Remember all of those issues I had with the first garden? Well, it turns out that poor watering practices on my part
most definitely maybe could have had something to do with it. Because the soil is loaded with all types of fungus spores, it's recommended to not water any plants from overhead or to get their leaves wet so the diseases don't spread. I read that the spores take a joy ride from the soil surface to the plants via water droplet splash back. I distinctly recall my parents garden being watered by any means necessary. No fancy drip emitters or tubing. Those plants got straight up showers from the top down with all sorts of water splashing in any and all directions. And no one was running out there afterwards spraying copper fungicide on each and every leaf.
One more thing zone 6a did not prepare me for was drip irrigation.
White pvc for underground and black tubing for inside the beds. |
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