Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Frost Follow Up

 We worked some real magic in the garden this past week and we got the plants through the frost with very little damage. Up there is a picture of our grass. It was just starting to come back from the last deep freeze but didn't get very far. Now it's all dry and crunchy back there.

But in the boxes, it's another story. Just look at 'em!  Nice and green and perky. You can even see the strawberries that were happily ripening while nice and toasty.
I thought that the Christmas lights plus the sheets was a bit of a lucky fluke last time. But I'm a believer now! Convinced, I tell ya! There was a small section on the very top of the hot mess above that didn't get covered with lights and it was the only section with real noticeable damage.  It was covered with a sheet but it goes to show that just sheets would not have been enough.

This is the tip of a jalapeno plant that shows some frost damage but the thing is still rockin' and you can even see a little white flower in the background.

Here are some close ups of the tomato plants. Because they're zoomed in, it probably looks a little worse than it is. There are only a few stems here and there that are freezer burned.

Couple more shots of the tomato plants. In the one below you can even see a tiny yellow flower. It's from the grape tomato vine that's growing out there, still flowering in February!

I knew I heard some snapping and crunching when we were wrappping the plants up. Each time we tugged on the sheets, we were snapping branches. None of the major ones were abused, it was the tender upper most shoots that snapped.

 Overall, I very highly recommend the sheet plus lights trick. We got this garden through  two consecutive days of 32-33 degree weather. Not too shabby!

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