Sunday, February 12, 2012

Frosty Florida Round 2

Here we go again!  Saturday and Sunday night are supposed to be in the low 30's, way too chilly for any fruit bearing plants.  The last time we had "near-freezing" temps and only got into the low 40s. Now, they're calling for a "hard frost", complete with red flag warnings from the National Weather Service and all.

So we brought out the sheets, clamps, clips and Christmas lights. 

 It was awfully windy getting this together so we clamped it down tight any way we could. These are some type of clamp from our garage but we used office binder clips as well. The binder clips are an amazing way to keep things clamped down and they're pretty inexpensive compared to other garden specific clamp products.

Don't underestimate the capabilities of a good old fashion knot!

 We kept the Christmas lights out just for this exact purpose. We have both strings and nets of lights but decided on only using the nets. Between the plants and wind, the nets got tangled a little bit the last time we tried this. I'd imaging that weaving a string of lights trough the plants and then trying to get it back off would be just too much work.

The plants grew quite a bit from the last frost so the sheets didn't quite reach this time around. If I had planned better, I would have gotten some cheap used sheets at a thrift store to dedicate just to the garden.

Sorry lettuce the sheet just does not reach!  I didn't dare to pull too tightly. I kept hearing little cracks and snaps as we were working so I know some stems couldn't stand the pressure as we tugged and clipped.

 It sure is a sight at night!  And we didn't neglect Ruby either, we wrapped her up for the freeze as well.

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