Saturday, February 4, 2012

Garden Update

Garden update, yeah!  It's currently in the 40's in zone 6a. Yikes! And that's actually unseasonably warm for up there.  And down here......we're growing tomatoes!  You can see a few peeking out from in there.  That mass to the left up there is the hot mess I mentioned in an earlier post. It's one cheery tomato plant, two big beef tomato plants and three mini bell pepper plants. They've merged into one big mass of greenery.  There are two huge stakes that are five feet high, 4 tomato cages and three smaller 3 foot stakes in there somewhere. The mini bell peppers are loaded up on the plants but they're not ripening, I think the hulking mass behind it is throwing too much shade.  To the right is the lettuce bed which shows no sign of stopping.  The only sign of decline is that all of the marigolds along the front had to be pulled out from the last frost.

 This is the second raised bed that has 2 banana pepper plants, 2 jalapeno plants, 1 big beef tomato plant, six strawberry plants with assorted runners and a bunch a peas climbing up the lattice. Yeah, that is one tomato plant there, just one. It has completely outgrown it's cage and is leaning heavily on the trellis next to it. 

Here's a close up of the one tomato plant that shares the strawberry bed. It's completely loaded with fruit, they just keep coming. We're a tomato January!

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