Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Strawberry

We planted the strawberry plants about 2 weeks behind the other plants in the garden because we couldn't  find any at the time.  The agricultural center for our area says they're a fall crop but the stores and nurseries must not be on the same schedule. So they were a bit of  a late bloomer, we had lots and lots of green foliage with dark green leaves and healthy runners going in all directions. So we just enjoyed watching the runners root and figured we would get berries next year. And then......a bunch of flowers started popping up which meant taking 199,678 pictures because I love how cute and cheery the white blooms are.

We never really got into the habit of  checking the strawberries too often because it seemed like nothing was happening, then the big frost fiasco came and we were preoccupied with keeping the tomato plants alive.  So we were totally surprised by the white berry that was peeking out when we were uncovering the plants. The missed the pink stages and the berry quickly turned reddish. Oh well.  We were all about the final product anyway. And it was a goodie!

So pretty! It had much more flavor compared with the store bought berries.  The texture was different too, alot softer whereas the store ones have an unripe crunchiness that I always dislike.  It's not all that perfectly shaped but I'm still pretty proud of it!

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